New Forum!
Hey everybody! New forum is up and running. Check out Hope to see you all there.
The world is changing rapidly. Postmodern thinking is increasing in the west and the East is becoming part of the Global community. Many in the Churches of God General Conference are interested in what church will look like as fresh expressions in the 21st century. This blog has been encouraged by the CGGC but in no way reflects the official thinking of the denomination. It is a place for free flow of thought and conversation.
Hey everybody! New forum is up and running. Check out Hope to see you all there.
posted by John at 8:40 PM
posted by John at 4:18 PM
some time ago, there was a thread with that asked why people who hadn't posted in a while and/or lurked did so. this may be a little late, but for those who have been more quiet of late, why have you been less vocal? if this blog were to continue, or with any future incarnations, what could change to help you find a voice here?
posted by John at 8:47 PM
Since the final days of this blog are upon us, I want to extend an official invitation to join the conversation at our adoption blog, Adopting from Haiti. I've written about it several times here, but I want to share a little more about how I see that blog developing and why I think it is a site worth checking out. In order to demonstrate this, I am going to share the direct links to five specific posts that capture the overall spirit of that blog.
Labels: Adoption
posted by Brent C Sleasman at 8:03 PM
I originally asked everyone to post in three areas. 1. Celebration of the past of this blog 2. Criticism of the present decision to end this blog 3. Future possibilities Let me take time to celebrate. I appreciate every person who has participated on this blog. The discussion has been very good. We've learned to communicate and work through conflict. We've discussed difficult theological issues. We've poked and prodded at the very fabric of denomination. It has been my privilege to dialogue with intelligent and passionate people. Thank you for joining me on this journey and I pray that you are very blessed in your future adventures. I apologize for any hurt that the abruptness of this ending has caused. That was not my intention. It is a fault that I own that I am sometimes abrupt.
posted by Brian at 1:47 PM
Last year and again this week, James MacDonald, an influential Illinois church leader brought together a group of guys who might be prone to criticize each other but never talked in person.
posted by Dan Masshardt at 6:58 AM
Passionate conversation about substitutionary atonement. Not much talk of what's next.
posted by Brian at 10:30 AM
I'm not John Newton.
posted by bill Sloat at 10:18 AM
Brian and I have been having a side conversation about his adoption sermons in the midst of the atonement discussion. I'm starting a new thread so that it's easier to exchange these ideas. Anyone is free to join in this discussion.
Labels: Adoption
posted by Brent C Sleasman at 8:31 PM
Last night we went into our nearest city, Lancaster (PA), to feed hungry and homeless people and, as Evelyn and I were debriefing the experience, we talked about one significant reality.
posted by bill Sloat at 10:44 AM